Promotions and Special offers

Discover ongoing discounts and use EasyWin with benefits

Sometimes we run special promotions and create coupons that offer a significant discount on the EasyWin subscription for a limited time. Some promotions may be ongoing.

On this page, you can discover our service's advantageous offers and make the most of them.

Current and past promotions:

How to pay for a 12-hour EasyWin subscription

Not everyone needs a subscription for the whole day, and we understand that.

In response to user requests, we have added the option to pay for the subscription for 12 hours: all you need to do is use the promo code for the selected subscribtion plan during payment. To make everything simple and clear, we have prepared a detailed instruction…

Huge spring discounts for one day only!

Spring is the time of awakening and the beginning of something new. In honor of the approaching spring, we decided to delight our users with huge discounts: during the first day of spring, hurry to get a 70% or 80% discount on any EasyWin tariff plan.

2025 New Year Discounts

The New Year is approaching, and we are excited to announce the season of massive discounts on all EasyWin plans!

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